Thursday 21 January 2021

The specialty of Easter and Good Friday in France

 France is a catholic believer country with a strong Catholic history and thus celebrates the most felicitous week of Easter with all dedication and devotion. All the people in France follow the traditions and rituals and memorialize the death of Jesus Christ on the cross on the day of Good Friday. It basically falls on the Friday before Easter Sunday. Easter and Good Friday in France symbolize the grief of Jesus’ martyrdom and the time of celebration as it is the day when Jesus rose from death to the third day of martyrdom. French people celebrate these days with much fun and joviality.

When is Easter and Good Friday?

There are many countries that observe Good Friday as a national holiday on the Friday before Easter. The day celebrates the execution and death of Jesus Christ. However, some countries observe Orthodox calendar in which Good Friday may occur on a different date than this.

What is Good Friday?

If we talk about the important events of Christianity then it will be the death and later resurrection of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the son of God and his life and teachings are the foundation of Christianity.

On this day, after the last supper, Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, put on trial, and sentenced to death. After that, he was tied and nailed by the wrists and feet to a large wooden cross and left to die. This is the reason behind the use of the cross as the symbol of Christianity.

Good Friday Traditions

Monday 18 January 2021

Level up for the Nice carnival 2021 this January

The Nice Carnival is one of the biggest, best and oldest carnivals in the world. For approx 12 days, millions of people celebrate carnival in French Riviera. Once a year, from mid February to start of March the French Riviera celebrates a great winter fiesta which is the Nice Carnival. During this celebration which lasts for approx 2 weeks the city comes alive with different music, motion and tempo. We have not far aware from the Nice Carnival 2021.

This festival attracts mass of crowd, locals, travelers and tourists. During this Carnival the city hotel are fully booked, hence if you are travelling during this time it is recommended for you to make a room reservation in advance to find a reasonable price. The streets are filled with parades of giant dolls in different shapes and lot of floats, during this carnival.

Radically, all the parades are held along the Promenade des Anglia’s seashore. One of the most exciting events of the carnival is the magnificent flower’s battle. Colorful noisy fireworks, concerts and different shows complete the event. If you are travelling to France than this is a traditional fiesta that shouldn’t be missed.

Timings of the Nice Carnival

It is basically a pre-Lenten Carnival that runs prior to lend. The dates for the carnival in 2021 begin on Saturday 13th February until Saturday 27th February in 2021.

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Friday 1 January 2021

Apply for France Visa & Enjoy Lemon Festival 2021


This festival was initially started in the year 1933 as a fruit show. Over the years, Lemon Festival 2021 Menton gained a huge popularity and now it is an internationally recognized event, drawing the attention of around 300,000 visitors each year. Every February, a town in French Riviera named Menton hosts this popular event, welcoming the spring and saying farewell to winters. The Lemon Festival in Menton celebrates citrus fruits in this event.

The Lemon Festival is celebrated similarly like carnival with parades and floats, and it is the second largest event in the French Riviera. Since 1928, The Lemon Festival has been organised by the Tourist Office.

The Lemon Festival is a unique and colourful celebration of life!

Lemon Festival 2021: History

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